[Aktiviti Kelab] Polihedra bhg 1

A polyhedron (plural polyhedra or polyhedrons) is a geometric solid in three dimensions with flat faces and straight edges. The word polyhedron comes from the Classical Greek πολύεδρον, as poly- (stem of πολύς, "many") + -edron (form of έδρα, "base", "seat", or "face").

Defining a polyhedron as a solid bounded by flat faces and straight edges is not very precise and, to a modern mathematician, quite unsatisfactory.

More generally in mathematics and other disciplines, "polyhedron" is used to refer to a variety of related constructs, some geometric and others purely algebraic or abstract.
A defining characteristic of almost all kinds of polyhedra is that just two faces join along any common edge. This ensures that the polyhedral surface is continuously connected and does not end abruptly or split off in different directions.       [Wikipedia]

Guru terlibat :
  • Pn Roziah
  • Pn Salmah

Objektif :
  • Memupuk kreativiti pelajar.
  • Menghasilkan kerja kumpulan dengan bekerjasama antara satu sama lain.

Kali ini PSV mengadakan aktiviti membina polihedra yang merupakan gabungan kertas yang dilekat bersama untuk membentuk bentuk geometri. Pn Salmah menunjukkan terlebih dahulu langkah demi langkah untuk membuat polihedra. Kemudian para pelajar membuatnya sendiri dalam kumpulan sambil diberi tunjuk ajar oleh guru yang terlibat.

Pada penghujung aktiviti, kesemua ahli PSV dapat menyiapkan langkah 1 iaitu menghasilkan 18 keping bulatan yang berukuran jejari 4 cm.

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